Kathleen La Valle is a Licensed Master Trainer™ of NLP & DHE and has been conducting trainings and development seminars for over 25 years. She specializes in Customer Service, Intuitive Processing, Sales & Influence, and Education. Her humorous style and passion for training comes through every time she takes the stage.
Kathleen loves teaching the language patterns in NLP because as she has heard John La Valle say, “In NLP, linguistics is our middle name”. Her approach makes it so easy to understand and fun to learn and utilize.
It has been a quest for her to find more and more ways to make the complex seem easy and optimized so that her students can immediately go use the skills and get results that last.
Kathleen also maintains a publishing house for books, CDs/DVDs, and seminar room wall charts. She is the Program Director for NLP Seminars Group International.
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